Thursday, 8 May 2014

Justin Bieber Responds To Seth Rogen's "Piece Of S---" Remarks: "Sorry I Didn't Bow Down"

Definitely no bromance between Justin Bieber and Seth Rogen. The global pop sensation apparently learned of the recent comments - which included comedian Rogen calling Bieber a "piece of s ---," among other insults, and responded via Twitter on Thursday, May 8.

" Seth Rogan , sorry, do not bow when I ordered 2 meet u, " Bieber , 20, tweeted , misspelling the name of the comic. "It was probably a little shy and did not want to be on top but still. Love ur movies. "

Rogen 's disdain for Bieber was first unveiled to fans in January when the comic dug in a tweet reading, " All jokes aside , Justin Bieber is a piece of s --- ." Bieber has just been arrested for drag racing in Miami at the time.

Rogen, 32, now in its promotional tour of Zac Efron comedy, Neighbors, has been asked about his tweet and history with the Biebs. "I saw him a couple of times," Rogen told Howard Stern on Monday, May 5. “He is a good example of someone you know, you think you're going to hate and then you get to hate him," explained James Franco best friend. “You knew him and that honors each of their expectations."

Their first meeting, Rogen said, came backstage at a German talk show makes year. "Someone came to the door and was like, 'Justin Bieber wants to meet you,'" Rogen recalled.

Once the two met, the actor said Bieber Knocked Up turned the tables and made it look like it's Rogen who had requested the meeting. “‘What the f ---, do not give an f --- about, I do not know!” Rogen recalled Stern. “Do not get all embarrassed to meet me. I did not want to meet you. Was totally cool not know. "

Rogen attitude Bieber attributed to his youth and then shrugged. Years later, he met the Canadian star again, only to discover that it had not changed. "I saw him again at an awards show like MTV, we literally had a snake wrapped around your wrist f --- ing," Rogen said.

"I talked to him for five minutes ," said the comedian , while reciting that Bieber had " No humility , no conscience, no sense that" I appeal to the young, to young , maybe a grown man working on comedy doesn ' tf --- ing give a s --- about me. ‘“

The opinion of the comic reflects that of many other recent celebrities who have revealed are not a fan of the Biebs “. S --- Head " Mad Men star Jon Hamm recently referred to as the pop star

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